Nákupní košík

Robert Silverio
Non-photographs, non-words

204 Kč

Doporučená cena 226 Kč

This book explores gaps in communication, the boundaries of photography and language, and their interconnection in light of the fact that image and language are often complementary.

If language and photographs are the most common carriers of our cultural experience, then this book, which discusses the limitations and pitfalls of both, is also about our human limitations and cultural constructions. Photographers, art historians, media theorists, and semioticians will find much of interest to their fields, but specialist knowledge isn’t required – the reader only needs to be intrigued by the functions of media, as it both expresses and confines human life.

NAMU 2017

ISBN 978-80-7331-424-8, Published by AMU – Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, Prague 2017, first edition, 150 pages, V2 binding with dust jacket.

Doporučená cena 226 Kč


Robert Silverio

Teoretik fotografie a fotograf. V letech 1989–1994 vystudoval moderní filologii obor anglistika a italistika na FF UK v Praze. Vyučoval na Pražské fotografické škole a na FAMU. Od počátku devadesátých let publikuje texty o fotografii, časopisecky i knižně. Vystavuje v Čechách i v zahraničí.


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