The standard reference work is a result of the author’s own heuristics. It offers a list of composers from the territory of historic lands of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia who in their writings paid attention to bassoon.
Doporučená cena 226 Kč
The standard reference work is a result of the author’s own heuristics. It offers a list of composers from the territory of historic lands of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia who in their writings paid attention to bassoon.
NAMU 2018
ISBN 978-80-7331-473-6, vydalo nakladatelství Akademie múzických umění v Praze, Praha 2018, 1. vydání, 244 strany, vazba V4
Doporučená cena 226 Kč
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úterý 9.00-13.00
čtvrtek 9.00-13.00
Vyzvedávání objednávek:
úterý 9.00-13.00
čtvrtek 9.00-13.00