Nákupní košík

Daniela Jobertová, Alice Koubová (eds.)
Artistic research

Mám zájem

Titul aktuálně není dostupný

Původní cena NAMU 181 Kč

Artistic research can currently appear as a trendy business, with its advantages and disadvantages. It is dynamic and not restricted by any rigid definition. It exploits new possibilities by deconstructing the traditional dualities of European thinking, like the duality between science and art, perception and thinking, subjectivity and objectivity, body and mind. Artistic research develops its potential in different overlaps, tensions and boundary fields across disciplines. It is characterised by heteronomy, heterotopy, in-between space or polyphony of sources, procedures and results. The book is divided into three parts, which contain chapters referring to three different standpoints in methodology.

NAMU 2018

ISBN 978-80-7331-472-9, vydala Akademie múzických umění v Praze, Praha 2017, 1. vydání, 191 stran, vazba V2.

Doporučená cena 181 Kč


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